julij 04, 2008

Puppy school

Puppies are so great, I just addore them, working with them, and I started enjoying in teaching people how to work with their puppies, how to enjoy with them. Thanks to Katja I have some pictures of lovely little puppies.
How can you not love them?This is a little staffordshire bullterrier (SBT) named Eli, and she is only two months young, and already in school.
And we have another SBT in school - Tara (she is a bit older, she has only 3 months).

And we also have a little chinese crested dog - Fear (crazy liitle boy), who addore his owner, and has eyes only for her. On this class, his hair is a bit messy, but you can still see his beautiful face and giant bat ears.
All of them work very good, their owners have good feeling for their dogs, and I hope they will continue doing so good job.
Some more photos:

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