I live with miniature pinschers for more than 6 years, and I have to say I addore them. They are so beautiful breed, healthy and very active. And I can't imagine living without them.
Unfortunatelly 95% dogs in Slovenia, who's owners say they have a miniature pinscher, are mix-breed. Their parents are without pedigree, so they are without pedigree and for me that is not a Miniature pinscher, but mix-breed - cute and beloved mix-breed, but still not Miniature pinscher.
Reason for writting this down, is an e-mail I got yesterday in which a girl is selling puppies, mix-breed puppies and saying she has Miniature pinscher puppies. And it all makes me so sad and angry and I can't do anything about it. And again somebody will buy a cute puppy, and say I don't need a pedigree, because only dogs who go to shows need that paper. But this is far from truth. Pedigree is much more than a piece of paper. There are written parents, grand parents, grand grand parents and you can find much more in pedigree.
You wouldn't believe what kind of dogs are sold as Miniature pinschers, and naive owners who think thet their dog is a typical for their breed. I sometimes don't know if there is a chihuahua in front of me or what, and kind of colours they have, from almost yellow to brown with black markings, with big white markings, and white socks, and horrible short apple heads, and long as dachshunds, and ....... Horrible. And people, here in Slovenia, have completely wrong opinion about Miniature pinschers, unfortunatelly everything small and brown is called a Miniature pinscher.
At the moment we have a litter of Miniature pinschers with pedigree (who have almost the same price as the ones without) in Slovenia, who are very typical, black with beautiful dark red markings, with excellent characters, and owners have difficulties to sell them to good homes.
At the beginning, when I started breeding, I hoped for better times for this beautiful breed, but unfortunatelly it only gets worse and worse. But I'm still optimistic, we have some good Minpins in Slovenia, who were brought from abroad, and I hope we will manage to learn people what a pedigree is for, and what it means. But untill than, I can only try to explain everybody, who is able to listen, what pedigree is for.
1 komentar:
Zdravo! Vem, da je to zelo star post, ampak bi rada nekaj omenila:
Če psiček nima rodovnika, ni nujno, da je mešanček, in ni nujno, da je mešanček, če so njegovi starši brez rodovnika. Mi smo imeli nemško ovčarko, ki smo jo kupili brez rodovnika, ker je bilo bolj poceni tako. Bila pa je kupljena pri rejcih, ki so ponujali psičke iz istega legla tako z rodovniki kot brez. Vemo torej, da je bila čistokrvna. Imela je dve legli, obe z istim čistokrvnim nemškim ovčarjem (ki pa mislim, da je imel rodovnik). Kot čistokrvne smo jih tudi prodali, brez rodovnika. Nekateri ljudje smo pošteni po srcu in se zavedamo, kaj pomeni čistokrvnost, četudi res menimo, da je rodovnik samo list papirja.
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